Let’s change your perception ladies! Menopause is widely seen as a negative subject, but there are many reasons to look forward to menopause and to celebrate the change!
Here are our 8 reasons to celebrate!
1.No more periods
I’m sure we can all agree; this is a moment we’ve been dreaming of since we started our periods! No more menstrual cramping, no more fussing around with tampons and pads and no more excess cost for these products, no more leakage worries, no ruined underwear, and no more avoiding skirts and light colours.
2.No risk of pregnancy
Menopause means no more worrying about birth control! Without the worry and stress, we all have deep in the back of our minds even when using birth control vanishes! Sex can become more enjoyable.
3.Kids flying the nest
If you have kids, it is most likely that they are an age where they will be off to university or leaving home or at least old enough to look after and provide for themselves. Which, of course means more freedom and less worry for you! It’s been proven that when our kids fly the nest, our sex life improves, we become more creative, we feel more empowered and more relaxed -lets help them pack!
4.No more PMS
If you’re anything like me, you can appreciate the end of PMS. The week or two before a period; (premenstrual syndrome PMS) can cause an array of physical and emotional symptoms that can include, acne, painful breasts, fatigue, mood swings, bloating, headaches and many more. PMS affects all women differently and is said to be due to changes in hormones during the menstrual cycle. Some women experience such severe symptoms they can find it difficult to work, socialise and have healthy relationships. From the mild to the severe, it’s great that these symptoms will no longer be with us after menopause. However, be warned, perimenopause involves a few years on the hormonal rollercoaster before all of these symptoms subside.
Many women report feelings of power and self-assertiveness post menopause! After the transitional roller-coater, a surge of life and energy can help us to pursue our greatest ambitions and take control of our lives. Some women report a change of career, starting a business, applying for a promotion, ending an unhappy relationship or starting a new relationship. We feel confident in who we are and what we can achieve!
Many women transitioning through menopause find that self-care is vital for their body and mind. We finally learn to adopt self-care techniques not as a medicine and way to cope but as a treat and way of life. We have more time to look after ourselves, we want to put nutritious foods into our bodies, we want to take more time to relax and pamper ourselves and so we should! It’s our time to shine and find things we enjoy that sooth our soul!
7.New friends
In the new age of technology and expression, we want to share all our thoughts, concerns and advice. We are finally talking opening about menopause and it’s a great time to relate, support and have a giggle with each other. Menopause can be a great time to share stores and make new friends. We know we have connected with lots of incredible women who we talk with every day and are so happy we have met.
8.You can take risks
We have come to a point in our lives where we have stability and ‘the norm’ but why are we sticking to this? Our lives aren’t over! We have more freedom, feelings of empowerment, we have made new friends and built ourselves to a point that we can chase our wildest dreams. That trip around the world…TAKE IT… that hobby you think you’ll be awful at… TRY IT… have no regrets!